Danish Design Award 2016 goes to. Hân Pham and Kent Laursen.
We have received the Danish Design Award for the design solution Yellowone Handsafe a simple and comprehensible solution that makes it easy for healthcare workers to disinfect their hands without leaving the patient’s side, thus serving as part of the solution to the global problem of poor hand hygiene, which annually costs more than 16 million lives.
Yellowone Handsafe is. a wearable ‘point of care’ alcohol-based hand disinfection dispenser. It gives healthcare staff easy access to hand cleaning without having to leave the patient zone.
YHS is right at your fingertips and therefore supports the hospital staff’s workflow and tempo.
The jury says.
Yellowone Handsafe can make a big difference; every year, poor hand hygiene in hospitals kills 16 million patients around the world, says the WHO.
That is more than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. Yellowone is a part of the solution to this massive global problem. It is simple, easy to understand and always located where it should be – right at your fingertips – regardless of infrastructure and complex situations.
Yellowone Handsafe can be implemented anywhere, irrespective of country, cultural differences or different infrastructures.
Not only does the design of Yellowone Handsafe communicate the purpose of the product perfectly; it is a clever way of solving a well-known problem. It has a strong signal value and improves safety for the hospital staff, patients and their relatives.
You can see more about the project here https://kentlaursen.dk/project/dispenserdesign-for-www-yellowonehandsafe-com/

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